Success! Again!

This is not actually the first blog post, but rather a republishing of the first one written on August 3rd in my first installation of this blog. I would be lying if I said now that my sentiments of success (with the re-install) and exhaustion (from dayjob and daily fatherhood tasks) are not much different. Anyway, here is what I wrote then…

Its now 10:39 PM and my eyes are telling me I’m tired. And who can blame them, I’ve been using them since 5:30 AM. My lovable little walking alarm clock decided 5 AM was today’s waking time, but I snoozed a good 30 minutes. Anyway, I could not go to bed with debuting my new blog. Today was the day it came to life and I could not go to sleep without making this inaugural entry.

While my eyes will be resting soon, they probably won’t get a long rest at first. Yes, my little Lex wasn’t feeling well again today and he went to bed at one of his earliest bedtimes: 3:45 PM. Its seven hours later now and I have a new blog to show for it, but now I am wondering if I shouldn’t have slipped in a nap earlier. This will be an interesting night, but I shouldn’t complain, because I bet I will still get more sleep than most parents of a 20 month-old.

(update: my little Lex did wake, but not until 3:30AM, ’twas and unsual night)

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